
finding hope and sharing it

Grasping Hope January 20, 2021


Each day I try to choose hope.

 Some days

 I actually grasp hope

 with both hands

 and hold on tight.


This last weekend

 I had my worst migraine attack

 since being diagnosed with

 vestibular migraines,

 PPPD (chronic dizziness), and

 related/unrelated vision issues.


 I was in bed all day

 from Friday morning

 until the following Tuesday morning.

 I didn’t fight it.

 I knew that would only make it worse,

 and my time in bed actually 

taught me a lot.


 I learned that 

I have become more gentle.

 More gentle with myself.

 More gentle with the expectations I have for each day.

 More gentle when confronted with my limits.

God has been inviting me to be 

gentle with myself 

for the last few years.

Here I am.


 I also learned that I am grieving.

 Grieving the body I once had.

 Grieving the body that worked like a clock.

 Grieving the body that would 

workout anytime I wanted to workout

 and rest anytime I wanted to rest. 


As I move forward toward healing

 and walk in the pursuit of healing,

 my body may look and operate

more like it once did

 or it won’t.

 I must leave that in God’s hands.


 I also learned

 that our compassionate and 

tender-hearted children

 have grown in empathy.

They have learned about 

caring for others

while watching 

my hubby care for me.


 Not only did they bring me 

my favorite drink,

 chai tea latte,

 but they added 

cinnamon on the top.

They brought me my favorite 

sweet peanut butter snack,

 added a couple of my “safe”cookies,

 one last chocolate treat,

 and a dairy pill 

just in case anything had dairy.

They remembered

the dairy pill.


 It warmed my heart.

 It warmed my soul.

 It made every part of me smile.

 I felt so known.

I felt so loved.

 I give God thanks for

 this beautiful silver lining

 from the chronic health path 

we have all been walking

the last 14 months.


Lastly, I learned that I

had chosen hope

each day of that 

long weekend in bed. 

Actually, I was grasping hope

with both hands

 and holding on tight.



Hope is an amazingly powerful word.

 I often say that hope is what 

gets people out of bed every day.

 Hope is what motivates people 

to answer the phone or the door.

 Hope is what gives all of us 

a reason to look into tomorrow


Each day I try to choose hope.

 Some days 

I actually grasp hope

 with both hands

 and hold on tight.

© 2021 Brooke F. Sulahian