
finding hope and sharing it

What Now? February 14, 2024

I read Be the Bridge

My eyes were opened

My knowledge was stretched

My heart was challenged

I read The New Jim Crow

My heart was broken

My justice meter was shattered

My mind was overwhelmed

I am reading Caste and

I just watched Origin

(The movie about the writing of Caste)

My heart aches with every page read and

Every scene witnessed

My justice meter groans under this new weight

New stories

New facts

New understanding

New urgency

My heart, mind, and body want to


This is all so wrong

There is no room for caste in our world

It must be demolished

But, what can I do?

I’m a 52-year-old white woman

Who desires to be the best ally

For all forced into the margins

Caste in our country?


It’s very hard to hear about caste

In India and Germany

But in America?

This hurts in a deeper

More personal way

This is my home

So much of my home country is broken

Is it beyond repair?

I have too much hope to believe that

I truly believe that I am supposed to


The new knowledge I have

In my mind

The new breaks

In my heart

After watching Origin

I wanted to cry for hours

And hours

Is that privilege?

I don’t know, but

It’s my truth

How do






Run so rampant in our world?

Why do we have to have


Insiders and Outsiders

Us and Others

Individuals and Mass Groups that can be

Easily dehumanized

The last scene in Origin has these words…

“A world without caste sets everyone free.”

I want freedom for everyone

I want to seek freedom for everyone

What role do I have before me?

Can I really help demolish caste?

Why do I seek this information

If not to ACT on behalf of

Those in the margins?

I was othered at age 11

Told by my new principal in Texas

That he would “keep an eye on me

Because he knew about kids from


I was judged on something about which

I had no control

I was judged before he knew anything

Else about me

Is this as bad as the othering of others today?

Probably not

But I was wrongly judged

I felt it

I absorbed it

Is that why I strove for all A’s?

To prove this man wrong?

No one belongs in the margins

May we each ACT for the

Freedom of those in our






Let’s work towards







May these words

Rise up with the

Beautiful scent of

A prayer lifted to God

A question posed to Jesus

A yearning shared through the Holy Spirit

And with my fellow humans

What Now?

Will you seek the answer with me?

We do not have to accept the

Status quo when it is broken

© 2024 Brooke F. Sulahian